GEEF ME EENS ONGELIJK | TV Format | English subtitles

Описание к видео GEEF ME EENS ONGELIJK | TV Format | English subtitles

'Geef me eens ongelijk' (Prove me wrong) A TV format I directed last year.

We’ve all experienced how a heated discussion can lead to a deeper understanding of a subject. In a time when society seems increasingly polarized, it is more important than ever to bring people closer together and encourage them to learn from each other. It is also crucial to be open to how another person’s perspective can expand your own worldview.

I’ve always had an interest in ‘HUMAN INTEREST’ formats where people gain new insights and where their humanity is highlighted. When we were given the task last year at the academy to develop a TV format, I directly saw a concept: Two opposites who, despite their differences, engage in conversation and bring something valuable out of each other. In this episode is ‘Faith’ the central subject. 💭

To strengthen the concept, I developed a matching director’s vision that enhanced the purpose of this format. For example, the use of silences and close-ups to bring out the humanity of the participants and to create an emotional connection with them. To make it more than just a conversation between two people, we also involved society to provide a broader perspective on the topic. The idea to present half of the show in black and white only came up to me later during editing. This ultimately reinforced the program’s message of equality and brought out the pure atmosphere even more. It was truly a pleasure to direct this and to create it in such a great collaboration with everyone involved.

Regisseur Femie de Graaf
Eindredacteur Emma Bruysters
Uitvoerend producent Kas Smeets
Productie Daniël Lanslots, Shay Cramer, Teun Roelofs
Redactie Jesse Krosenbrink, Bjorn van Wijk

Regisseur & Interviewer Femie de Graaf
Floormanager Kas Smeets
Camera regie Emma Bruysters
Schakeltechnicus Daniël Lanslots
Licht Shay Cramer
Geluid Teun Roelofs
Camera 1 Bjorn van Wijk
Camera 2 Mart Buurman
Camera 3 Jeffrey de Wit
Camera voxpojes Teun Roelofs
Kandidaat gelovig Hamza Abdoelbasier
Kandidaat niet gelovig Victor Kruit
Kandidaten begeleiding Manar El Azaar

Post Production
Montage Teun Roelofs, Jesse Krosenbrink, Femie de Graaf
Grafisch ontwerp Shay Cramer
Sound design Daniël Lanslots, Bjorn van Wijk
Grading Teun Roelofs
Promo Bjorn van Wijk
Producenten Kas Smeets, Emma Bruysters

Met dank aan
Nederlandse Academie voor Beeldcreatie
Alfred Broer
Ernst ter Horst
Doesjka van Hoogdalem


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