Boxplot with Letters Indicating Significant Differences

Описание к видео Boxplot with Letters Indicating Significant Differences

One-Way ANOVA, Tukey’s test, Box Plot with ggplot
R code:

0:00 Introduction
0:46 Description of the data set
1:01 Loading the libraries and the data set
1:55 Analysis of Variance - ANOVA
2:30 Tukey's test
3:10 Letters do indicate significant differences (cdl)
3:50 Table with mean, third quantile and cdl
5:05 Basic Boxplot
6:18 Customising axis titles, theme and gridlines
7:08 Adding the letters to the boxplot
8:20 Adding colours to the plot
8:45 Colouring the boxes according to the median value

Packages: ggplot2, multcompView, dplyr
Main functions: aov, TukeyHSD, multcompLetters4, summarise, ggplot, geom_boxplot, geom_text, scale_fill_brewer, theme_bw, show.legend, labs .


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