Official FCOM Convergence Trailer for Oblivion TES4

Описание к видео Official FCOM Convergence Trailer for Oblivion TES4

This trailer is made by Vini! Good job!
The ultimate collaboration of "overhaul" mods that really makes this game incredible. I won't play the game without it.
Francesco + WarCry + Oscuro + Martigen
FCOM: Convergence is an experiment in compatibility. It attempts to break through previous barriers in the Oblivion mod community by letting you play four of the largest Oblivion "overhaul" mods at the same time -- Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, Martigen's Monster Mod, Oblivion WarCry, and Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items. It also seeks to show how new item and/or creature expansion mods can be added directly to this environment, and thus includes direct support for Bob's Armory.


Информация по комментариям в разработке