【成長希望知訊|CYLF Advice】提升孩子情緒智商的簡易遊戲|Games to Improve Children's Emotional Intelligence

Описание к видео 【成長希望知訊|CYLF Advice】提升孩子情緒智商的簡易遊戲|Games to Improve Children's Emotional Intelligence

【Game 1|My Facial Expression】

Preparations:Paper, pen

Training goal: Develop kids' empathy by role-playing

玩法How to play:
1. 家長在紙上畫上不同的表情 Parents can draw different facial expressions on a paper
2. 讓孩子說出表情代表的情緒,如「開心」、「難過」Let our kids to express the emotions by words, such as "happy" and "sad"
3. 和孩子角色扮演,探索這種情緒會在哪些日常生活的例子中出現(跟誰、當中發生了什麼事情、後來如何舒緩情緒)Take turns role-playing with our kids, exploring the examples of our daily lives where these emotions will appear (such as with whom, what happened, and how to release the emotions afterwards)

【Game 2|Your turn and my turn】


Training goal: Learn to accept failure and release negative emotions

玩法How to play::
1. 家長和孩子輪流玩層層疊 Take turns playing Jenga
2. 如孩子於比賽中落敗後先冷靜孩子情緒,令他明白失敗乃屬平常事,然後鼓勵孩子重複挑戰。Calm down our kids when they fail, letting them understand that failure is normal in life. Then parents can encourage our kids to play again.

溫馨提示 Suggestion:
After the game, discuss with the kids to see which ways are effective to release their emotions and ask them to record it.

Do you have any effective ways to improve kids' emotional intelligence? Please leave your comments below!

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