PD 09 - One Health in Action

Описание к видео PD 09 - One Health in Action

The COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence of other zoonosis, along with the increasing Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) make clear that we need to approach the topic of health with a broader understanding regarding the close links between the health of humans, animals, agriculture and the environment using the so called One Health approach. Since the diversity of species and habitats on Earth is vital to all life, including human life it is essential to protect the natural environment in all its diversity, lessening the risk of future pandemics and vector-borne diseases.

The panel will represent the experiences of One Health practitioners that have implemented a One Health project and politicians from the German Federal Ministry of Health and the German Federal Ministry for Development and Economic Cooperation. The discussion should include the difficulties and obstacles that come with the realization of such projects as well as successful strategies across the globe. We want to hear voices from different perspectives and consider all components of One Health (humans, animals, environment) equally, incorporating expertise from the life sciences as well as social sciences and non-academic knowledge.

While it is clear that the stronger focus on One Health is vital, challenging questions remain open. How can the One Health approach be put into practice in concrete terms? How can One Health projects be operationalized? How can One Health generate add value? What challenges do One Health projects face and how can they be overcome?

Substantially broad knowledge from different areas of expertise, equally considering all components of One Health (people, animals, and environment) needs to be taken into account, incorporating expertise from life sciences as well as social sciences in order to find overarching solutions and strategies that are promising. Furthermore, the firmly embedding of the One Health approach in our development cooperation is of crucial importance, while fostering cooperation of and networking between international organizations need to be deepened. Strengthening local capacity through capacity building, network strengthening, evidence-based policy advice and recommendations for practical application is as important as incorporating the One Health approach into the global agenda with the aim of raising awareness among decision makers and populations worldwide.


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