پرانا زندگی بدون آب و غذا

Описание к видео پرانا زندگی بدون آب و غذا

آیا زندگی بدون آب و غذا ممکنه ؟
بی خوراکی یا تنفس گرایی باوری هست که طبق اون میشه فقط به وسیله پرانا یا نیروی حیات زندگی کرد


NikfarTV does not claim ownership of all the visual extracts featured in this video. NikfarTV includes such extracts either according to Creative Commons CC0 copyright free, or according to fair usage on the basis of original reportage, commentary and critique for the purpose of education.

Some of the visuals are also photographed or filmed by the NikfarTV or legally licensed by Envato Elements .

‘A discourse upon prodigious abstinence occaisoned by twelve months fasting of Martha Taylor…’ via The Wellcome Library, London (L0022587)

Extracts from “The Boy With Divine Powers” by Discovery Channel (usage CC0 1.0 Universal via Archive.org)


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