[Piano ver] Reset (Run With The Wind ED) - Mukai Taichi - Cover

Описание к видео [Piano ver] Reset (Run With The Wind ED) - Mukai Taichi - Cover

I sang Reset by Mukai Taichi from the anime Run With The Wind / 風が強く吹いている (Kaze Ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru)

This anime and the song came to my life in a very special way. The last episode actually airs tomorrow so I'm glad I made it before it's over!

Running is often used as a metaphor for life. Sometimes we get exhausted, burnt out, and question ourselves why we have to do it in the first place... but during those moments when you're struggling to find the reason, I hope you can remember this song and take this moment to rest and reset. If you're about to fall, reset. You can do it. Life is a marathon, so run it not fast, but strong.

Thank you so much to my friends for helping out. Could not have done it without you guys. (also would you look at that sweet sweet angelic Haiji???)

Please check them out below!!


Vocals: Ria (me) @akariachuu   / akariachuu  
Piano arr.: @zzzAnimeOnPiano    / zzzanimeonpiano  
Mix: ChristianV   / chibivargas  
Art: Jes @Orangiah   / orangiah_  
Video: Kolvrak   / kolvrak  


Song: Reset
Artist: Mukai Taichi
Anime: Run With the Wind / Kaze Ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru

#reset #runwiththewind #リセット #向井太一 #風が強く吹いている


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