Newton buteraba house 🏡 of wealth. Topic is. How to fight money battles and wars.

Описание к видео Newton buteraba house 🏡 of wealth. Topic is. How to fight money battles and wars.

Lectures from professor Newton buteraba of house 🏡 of wealth teaching on how successful people managed to fight the money battles and wars.
Successful people always see staying with money as battle and war. They see money in diffent ways from common people.

Battle : Is brief fight after disagreements btn two organizations.
Abattle doesn't take long time.

War : Is the long term fight with strategies.
War is along term event, as battle is short term event of war.
Abattle is fighting btn two people in specific time while war is endless.

Note : you might win battle but loss the war. Simply because battle is short term event but war is long term event. So one can retreat and come back with strategies and finish you.
For example : you can get a good paying job, earning alot of money, opening up business etc but those are termed as winning battles but still you can fail to win a war simply because battle is short term and war is long-term events

Note : Always be conquer of money not money conquering you. Because if you let money to conquer you, everything will be hard in your life forever.

Successful people they take business serious (as war) to extent that they do not show their business blueprint / formula to other people.

Many people failed in business because there business formula were copied by the competitor and they do it nicer than them. So be aware of spys protect your business formula.

🔷 Some of the concepts one must have to wine the battles and wars.

1. Master mind, master planner, strategy.
Don't think about to be rich with out strategies
In the war generals (master planners) do not go to the battle front there work is to plan and make strategies on how to win the war.
Qn is : who is your master mind?
Many people rash to do businesses with out strategies because they sow some one doing it end up losing money. Business with out strategies, you can work for 20yrs but remain stanted only experience will be on return.

2. Coalition (obweegasi gemanyi💪)
For example :2nd world War (Adrof itrar) loss the war because of coalition factor. You can easily be defeated in war when you stand alone.

3. Spy network /intelligence.
Have you ever minded why America 🇺🇸 have embassies all over the world?
Since America is super power they need information from the world to manage the war 24/7. Don't think tha embassies are there just for visa.

You likely to loss the war if you not able to spy from your competitors eg.
The way they do things. Try to do spy in business please.
Remember : if you don't know you can't strategies.
Categories the pple you work with for information security.

4. Ammunition. (ebyokulwanyisa)
It might be savings, assets etc
You can't go for war with out weapons
The more you see money as war is the more you be in line of success.

Summary of components of money warfare.
1. Awar has to be with a master mind. the mind is strategy.
2. Coalition (joining investment clubs sacco)
3. Spy and intelligence networks.
4. Ammunition the weapons u have to use eg. savings, asset
Recommend book :by Robert Greene called The 33 strategies of war.

After having the above 4 components, the following will help you win the money warfare.
1. Morale, self affirmation, you need to believe in your self that you can make it

2. Successful pple look for survival first then they prosper latter.

3. Successful ppl build strong Alliances based on trust and confidence
(You need to give your self time to build trust with the person your going to partner with in business)

4. Successful pple do not cut corners (look at a person your going to do partnership business with and see if he can think in long-term

Ephesians 6:21
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dak world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Proverbs 13 :11
Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. #House of wealth.
Aim is to make ugandan financially free.


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