The holiday food of my childhood. Old style cooking

Описание к видео The holiday food of my childhood. Old style cooking

Hello, my name is Alina, I live in Ukraine. Today I want to show you 2 delicious recipes. Baked duck with apples is a classic for me. But I decided to improve this recipe a little by adding oranges and a delicious marinade.

Duck marinade:
- soy sauce
- teriyaki sauce
- honey
- orange juice
- mustard
- dry garlic
- smoked paprika
- turmeric
- black pepper

Cherry cake:
- 200 g of pure pork fat (can be replaced with butter)
- 300 g of homemade sour cream, or sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%
- flour (add gradually until an elastic consistency is obtained)
- 15 g of vanilla sugar

- cherries (pre-covered with sugar)

- thick sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%
- powdered sugar to taste (the cream should be sweet)
- coconut shavings for decoration


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