🛎 Ring the BELL🛎
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Hello friends!
Today I made for you unusual video tutorial! I want to show you how you can make a rose flower from air dry modeling clay for kids!))
Why? In my kids school we were celebrated a teacher’s day and parents were invited to help our kids make a greetings cards or so for all their teachers! And I got the idea with making flowers from clay for teachers, but I haven’t no any idea how we will bake them. And then I remembered, in our last vocation I bought a few packs of Air Dry modeling clay for playing with kids! This air dry clay made specially for kids and it have so nice flower smell!
I did my first workshop in school for 20 kids in Anton class!!))) Everybody was very happy!))
So, I started to learn that clay, and from first try it looks like too sticky, it was sticked to everything! But after few minutes it became a very handle and nice for modeling! I noticed that if your hands wet - it will be very sticky! But with dry hands it works very good!
To work with this clay very easy, you no need to use a lot of power for conditioning or modeling! Actually you no need any tools, maybe just pretty simple! I used a tooth picks and hands!
Also, even you have only white color, you can easy to change it into pink, or light Blue, or any other color just using Sharpey markers or any other markers!
Another cool thing with this clay - you can easy attach any details to your project, because the clay very stick to it self, so I added the petals to the flower very easy!
And of course, because it is air dry clay, better to keep it in plastic wrap+plastic bag! I recommend you to separate the whole pack into a small pieces and wrap them into plastic wrap! Especially if you want to play with this clay with kids! :) As you can see on a photo, I divided a big piece into small pieces, so kids were children could freely pick a few pieces for their work!
About modeling the petals, if you can do it from first try - roll it into a ball again and make another try! And repeat until you will get a needed result.
So, first, for making rose, make tear-drop and put it on to a teeth pick;
The 1st row (after tear drop) will have 2 petals,
2rd row 3 petals;
3rd row 4 petals;
4rd row 5 petals;
Than you can add in the bottom also a few petals!
After you finished to make your flowers, let it dry a few hours, or until they will completely dried. When the flower is dried, you can cut out the bottom from tooth pick, and glued it on to any base you like - ring base, brooch base, pendant, bracelet or anything else. The flowers made with this clay are so so lightweight, so you will not feel it, but people around you will think you wear a real rose!
I hope you enjoyed the video!
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©Copyright 2018 by Ludmila Bakulina
With best wishes,
Ludmila Bakulina
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