How to buy a horse that fits your style of riding

Описание к видео How to buy a horse that fits your style of riding

We recommend that you first go and try out horses that are the breed that you are interested in riding as well as the temperament that you are looking for in a horse. You also need to look at how the horse is made and how the horse travels. Once you have experienced the type of horse that you enjoy riding and then go looking for that type of horse. Please don't buy a horse based on color and nothing else. It is important for you to look until you find the horse that travels the way you want your horse to travel. A trainer can only do so much to make a difference in the way a horse travels. Buy a horse with the talent that you are wanting in the end result. Confirmation in a horse is important for a good gait. A horse with bad confirmation is not built to gait correctly. Find the horse that feels like the one you rode that you liked. You need to be buying a horse with a great mind. The mind is the most important part of the horse. A calm horse with a mind that accepts training and accepts the changes to their behavior will go a long way in how much you will like the horse. Look for the qualities that you admire in horses that you have seen that were good horses for what you are planning to go do.


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