Cannabis Farm Awareness - advice on how to spot a cannabis farm

Описание к видео Cannabis Farm Awareness - advice on how to spot a cannabis farm

How to spot a cannabis farm

Cannabis farms can crop up in any residential area, not just in homes but in the back of shops, warehouses and empty buildings.

It is vital you inform us of any information that will help us to identify them.

What to look out for?

- Strong cannabis odour
- High electricity bills (for Landlords)
- Lots of visitors
- Resident only visiting twice weekly
- Vulnerable adults
- Excessive security measures
- Lots of condensation/no snow on rooftops
- Covered up windows
- Buzz of ventilation
- Bright lights day and night
- Plant growing equipment
- Lots of cables and wiring

Please help us to help you by reporting anything suspicious to West Yorkshire Police on:



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