A Man for All Seasons - witty remarks

Описание к видео A Man for All Seasons - witty remarks

Some memorable quotes and witty remarks from 'A Man for All Seasons' - a 1966 film about the life of Sir Thomas More.
background chatter: ... that in this country every second bastard born is fathered by a priest. But in Utopia that couldn't be. For there the priests are very holy... therefore very few!
Cardinal Wosley: More, you should have been a cleric!
Sir Thomas More: Like your self, Your Grace?
Sir Thomas More: Now, listen, Will. Two years ago you were a passionate churchman. Now you're a passionate Lutheran. We must just pray that when your head's finished turning, your face is to the front again.
King Henry VIII: Thomas. I chose the right man for chancellor!
Sir Thomas More: I should in fairness add that my taste in music is reputedly deplorable.
King Henry VIII: Your taste in music is excellent. It exactly coincides with my own!
The Duke of Norfolk: Why do you insult me with this lawyer's chatter?
Sir Thomas More: Because I am afraid.
The Duke of Norfolk: Man, you're ill. This isn't Spain, you know. This is England.
The Duke of Norfolk: What? Goddammit, he was the only judge since Cato who didn't accept bribes! When was there last a Chancellor whose possessions after three years in office totaled one hundred pounds and a gold chain?
The Duke of Norfolk: Cromwell, are you threatening me?
Cromwell: My dear Norfolk... this isn't Spain. This is England!
[Norfolk's gullible expression]
Sir Thomas More: ... the law will let you... cut my head off.
The Duke of Norfolk: Oh... yes...
Cromwell: Oh well done, Sir Thomas, I've been trying to make that clear to His Grace for some time.
The Duke of Norfolk: Oh confound all this. I'm not a scholar, I don't know whether the marriage was lawful or not, but dammit, Thomas, look at these names! Why can't you do as I did and come with us, for fellowship!
The Duke of Norfolk: Your life lies in your own hands, Thomas, as it always has.
Sir Thomas More: Is that so, My Lord? Then I'll keep a good grip on it.
Sir Thomas More: The world must construe according to its wits; this court must construe according to the law.
Sir Thomas More: Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales?
Narrator: The Duke of Norfolk should have been executed for high treason, but the king died of syphilis the night before.


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