How Far Do I Keep My Grow Lights from My Plants?

Описание к видео How Far Do I Keep My Grow Lights from My Plants?

How Far Away Should I Keep My Grow Lights?

Although this detail is often overlooked, in many cases cannabis growers can increase their yields and potency simply by keeping their grow lights just the right distance from their plants!

How far away should you keep your grow lights for the best cannabis yields and potency?

Cannabis plants should be kept the right distance away from grow lights so they produce the most bud

Cannabis plants capture energy from light and use it to grow bigger buds. In order to maximize your cannabis yields you’ll want to give your plants as much light as possible, but without causing light burn. In other words, you want to increase light levels but without going overboard!

While standard fluorescent grow lights like T5s and CFLs really don’t produce enough light to overload your plants, powerful lights like HPS, CMH and LEDs can do so with ease. Although LED, CMH and HPS grow lights can produce the biggest yields and most potent buds of all grow lights, they need to be used correctly to get those results!

You get bigger yields and more potent buds by using powerful grow lights and keeping them just the right distance away from your plants.

Keep your grow lights the right distance away to get the biggest flowers and most potent buds!

By positioning grow lights the right distance from your plants, you’ll create the highest levels of light your cannabis plants can use. Put your buds in this “sweet spot” light level zone, and they’ll reward you!

LED Grow Lights:
HPS Grow Lights:
CMH Grow Lights:


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