Theresa May's Chequers Deal - Brexit Explained

Описание к видео Theresa May's Chequers Deal - Brexit Explained

UPDATE: Around the time of this video's release the EU rejected the Chequers Plan we discuss in the video. We found out hours before the release of the video, once the video was already queued and scheduled. We had been working on the video for quite some time so it seemed a shame not to post it regardless of recent news. We still think that it's relevant to know what May's plan is/was as it will likely form the basis of future negotiations. As mentioned in the video they simply don't have time to reformulate a whole new plan, so if a deal is reached it will likely be a tweaked version of this proposal.

The UK government is currently in the process of negotiating with the European Union. Prime Minister Theresa May has put forward a proposal, the Chequers Deal, and she's hoping that it will work. The problem is it needs to be accepted by the EU and her own parliament in the UK. So what is the deal, and will it work?

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