Why Singles and Marrieds CAN (and SHOULD) Stay Friends

Описание к видео Why Singles and Marrieds CAN (and SHOULD) Stay Friends

As I get older and life gets crazier, I've realized just how hard it is to maintain friendships. And as someone who doesn't plan on having kids or getting married (again), I've become all too familiar with being the outlier and subsequently not quite fitting into any group. But the few friends I have (all with kids!) are my ride-or-die's and I am insanely lucky to have them in my life.

Tia is the closest thing I've ever had to a sister (I'm an only child) and, even though we've had completely opposite paths and personalities, we've stayed that way. I don't know know what I'd do without her.

Finally, apologies with the rough edit of this video. I've been SO behind with my move to NY and this injury sustained (the one on my face - video coming soon) that I had to do the best I could without falling even further behind.


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