Exploring art supply stores in Paris {magasin Sennelier}

Описание к видео Exploring art supply stores in Paris {magasin Sennelier}

We walked along the banks of La Siene, about an 8 minute stroll from Musée du Louvre. From across the busy street you see a forest green facade with gold letters SENNELIER that adorn the door.

As you enter you feel the presence of all the great artists..Cezanne and Picssso were among the artists who developed products for this art supplier. Founded in 1887, Magasin Sennelier is the oldest art supply shop in Paris.

You can see and feel the rich history within the jam packed wooden cabinets and shelves. It’s full of inspiration at every turn.

You’ll find a large amount of pigments for paint making from France, Italy, Japan, the US and Canada...PLUS paints, pastels, oil sticks, canvases, papers, inks, pens, tool, calligraphy supplies and brushes. I could have spent hours in there.

I was excited to find my Strathmore Mixed Media Pads on their shelves.

come with me in a virtual tour of this amazing artist haven..a must see when you are in Paris!

the Paris collection...bit.ly/TBCparis

#magasinsennelier #sennelier #artsupplies #tbcPARIScollection #tracibautistaCOLOR


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