What Motorcycling Taught Me About Dealing with Anxiety | Benjamin White | TEDxBlinnCollege

Описание к видео What Motorcycling Taught Me About Dealing with Anxiety | Benjamin White | TEDxBlinnCollege

Learning how to ride a motorcycle made Benjamin White anxious. But he also shares lessons about being present in the moment while riding, and how he applies the same principle to deal with his anxiety. Benjamin is a professor of psychology, an avid motorcyclist, and is always looking for connections that show us how to live happier lives and to be more present in our lives. Before the summer of 2017, Benjamin had never ridden a motorcycle but it had, for a long time, been on his bucket list. As a challenge, he took a riding course, got his license and now is a motorcycle rider, but he never expected that learning to ride a motorcycle would give him a different outlook on how he approaches dealing with anxiety This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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