The Climate Security Movie—4 Stages of Action

Описание к видео The Climate Security Movie—4 Stages of Action

When it comes to security, the impacts of climate change are particularly harmful. On top of creating unbearable natural conditions in already fragile social and environmental contexts, the conflict situations it aggravates are then more likely to roll back hard-won progresses in peace and development. How can the international community best address this challenge?

This movie, featuring interviews with experts, researchers and policy-makers from the climate and security communities, looks into the four stages of action for addressing climate-related security risks:
00:00:42 1) problem recognition
00:02:07 2) agenda-setting
00:05:10 3) understanding regional complexities and building capacities
00:07:42 4) implementing concerted measures to curb climate insecurity

We've interviewed:
00:00:46 Dr. Benedetta Berti, Head of Policy Planning in the Office of the Secretary General, NATO
00:01:08 Greg Gershuny, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Energy & Environmental Program
00:01:34 Dr. Nadim Farajalla, Program Director for Climate Change and the Environment, American University Beirut
00:03:27 Dr. Benjamin Pohl, Head of Climate Diplomacy Programme, adelphi
00:04:10 Margot Wallström, Former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden
00:05:19 Catherine Wong, Policy Specialist for Climate and Security Risk, UNDP
00:05:51 Mohammed Bila, Expert on the Lake Chad Basin
00:06:25 Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
00:06:59 Coral Pasisi, Director, Sustainable Pacific Consultancy
00:07:50 Camilla Born, Senior Policy Advisor at E3G and Associate Senior Fellow at SIPRI
00:08:35 Drissa Doumbia, Chief Bureau SDG and National Focal Point, Agency of Environment of Mali
00:09:11 Dr. Ayesha Siddiqi, University Lecturer, University of Cambridge

Directed by: Raquel Munayer (adelphi). Produced by: Paul Müller-Hahl (Lichtbilder)


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