God Will Renew Your Strength~ Morning Prayer to Start Your Day

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Before we pray, I would like to say a few words, and then we will pray together.
In life, we usually get rewarded for our hard work. For example, writers who practice a lot can become best-selling authors, and athletes who train hard can get professional contracts. The same goes for us as Christians. We are rewarded for saying no to temptation, for staying loyal to God when we face challenges, and for suffering for Christ. Our reward isn't about becoming famous or successful on earth; it's about receiving the crown of life from Jesus Christ.

The Bible tells us that if we stay strong and faithful during tough times, God will bless us. This blessing includes not just a reward in heaven, but also happiness, spiritual growth, and God's special favor in our lives.

The crown of life is a promise to everyone who loves God. Just like rewards on earth, it comes with a price. Staying strong during tough times can be very hard, but the reward is much greater.
First Peter 5:4 says, "And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." This means that when Jesus returns, we will receive a reward that will never fade away.
When we stand before Jesus and receive this reward, our joy will be complete, and all our suffering will end. Revelation 21: 4 tells us that God will wipe away every tear from our eyes.
When you feel tired from the challenges you face, remember Hebrews 6: 10: "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for His name in serving the saints, as you still do." God sees your struggles and values your efforts for Him.
True love for God shows most in times of deep suffering when we must choose to put our faith in Him. Choosing God during these times is a great honor.
Remember, earthly fame fades, artworks are forgotten, and contracts end. But the crown of life from Jesus lasts forever.
Now, let's pray together.


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