Sea Fever, by John Ireland - Robin Hendrix sings

Описание к видео Sea Fever, by John Ireland - Robin Hendrix sings

Robin Hendrix, mezzo-soprano sings John Ireland's immortal song about those who toiled on the sea, in this performance recorded in Holland, Oct 2008, with Michel Prezman accompanying. Masefield's poetry captures the fierce irresistible longing of a seafaring man's wish to return to the ways of the sea, to feel the forces of the wind, the flying clouds, the sea birds, the whale's spume, and to hear one last funny story (yarn) from a laughing felllow sailor (rover). Finally, he asks for a peaceful death (quiet sleep), at the end of his long journey. Ireland perfectly set the poetry to convey the rolling waves and the cries of the birds, and the hold the sea has over anyone who has spent a long time upon it.
Robin Hendrix is a concert artist, author, and teacher. Her book, How to Sing Like the Great Singers, sets out the means by which the Great Singers of the operatic and concert stage created and maintained their beautiful voices, and describes how a motivated singer can arrive at the same results. The book came about by necessity. After “hitting the wall” in middle age, a common event for natural singers, Robin found it increasingly difficult to rehearse her usual concert repertoire and she went looking for answers. Finding no help from gurus or experts, she set out on her own to find the secrets of a free and easy production of the lyric voice. She found the answers and more. Visit for details. Robin lives with her husband, composer/pianist Michel Prezman, in Serdinya, a little village in the south of France.
Robin Hendrix est fondatrice et directrice du Centre pour la Formation de la Voix, à Serdinya, France. Pour plus des renseignements, visiter


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