aadhar Lms new exam pattern | Aadhar Lms Question & answer | Uidai aadhar Lms exam certificate

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1- _____________ is a prerequisite for Aadhaar-enabled service delivery.
2- Why should seeding operators be careful and ensure a clear and readable handwriting?
3- What is the full form of e-KYC?
4- Which of the following is a prerequisite for Aadhaar seeding?
5- What is the function of data centralisation in a particular scheme during seeding process?
6- Which of the following ways are acceptable for offline Aadhaar verification ______________.
7- Vamshi lost all his fingers in an accident. What is the other information that can be used to process his biometric authentication?
8- What is the implication of involving Panchayat officials during seeding process?
9- Which of the following formats of offline e-KYC is preferred when high quality photo is required?
10- Aadhaar seeding increases the reach and efficiency in delivering goods and services.
11- No other identity proof is required to avail government schemes or services after Aadhaar seeding.
12- How is Aadhaar offline e-KYC available?
13- Which of the following details are to be given in Aadhaar Paperless Offline e-KYC page?
14- What is the main objective of Aadhaar authentication?
15- Which of the following methods can be used if a beneficiary wants to open a bank account and transfer money to his/her friend?
16- Aadhaar seeding is not required to avail the benefits under MGNREGS scheme.
17- How is beneficiary authentication done for the first time?
18- Identify the types of authentication in the given options.
19- MGNREGS, pension scheme and disbursement of ration are all types of ________.
20- During the distribution of MGNREGS wages, two people claim to be the same person. How will you identify the right individual in such a situation?

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