Yorkshire Wolds Way - Backpacking. Pt 1

Описание к видео Yorkshire Wolds Way - Backpacking. Pt 1

I have wanted to walk the Yorkshire Wolds Way since before the Pandemic shut down, two weeks ago I finally got to do it. I decided to backpack and do the walk in one hit. It took me five days and I had to wild camp for the first three nights but found a camp site for my last evening it was quite an adventure and a walk I really enjoyed although I did find it very different from the other trails I have walked.
The Wolds have vast open landscapes with far reaching views, the rolling downs and dry valleys often full of wheat stretch before you, and the lack of villages (and a lot of the time people) give the wolds a sense of solitude even loneliness at times. What villages there are, are quite attractive and there is a lot of history around about that is quite interesting but not always visible!
I think if you want some time alone, time to think, or find some inner peace this is the walk for you.


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