晚禱(粵語)An Evening Prayer

Описание к видео 晚禱(粵語)An Evening Prayer


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An Evening Prayer 晚禱(粵語)

曲:Charles Hutchinson Gabriel(1856 - 1932)
詞:C. Maud Battersby(十九至廿世紀)


I John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”


Chorus of “Have I Grieved Thy Holy Spirit”: “As I at Thine altar bow; Hear, O hear my heart’s confession. Pardon, cleanse, and fill me now.”

If I have wounded some poor soul today, If I have caused one foot to go astray;
If I have walked in my own willful way, Dear Lord, Forgive!

If I have uttered idle words in vain, If I have turned aside from want or pain;
Lest I offend some other through the strain, Dear Lord, Forgive!

If I have been perverse, Or hard, Or cold, If I have longed for shelter in the fold;
When Thou hast given me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, Forgive!

Forgive these sins I have confessed to Thee, Forgive the secret sins I do not see;
Guide me, Love me and my Keeper be, Dear Lord, Forgive!

Amen! Amen!

Photo and Video Credits:

Naturaleza Viva - Sonidos y Paisajes Increíbles - Sleep By The Sea All Night With The Full Moon And Relaxing Sparkling Waves on Zavival Beach - www.loungev.com

Medium - Claire Leveson - “Depression Explained: What It Is, Why It Happens and What to Do About It?” - www.medium.com/@claire.leveson

Clip Art Library - “Kneeling Down in Prayer” - www.clipart-library.com

李證恩攝影 - “Water’s Soul”

Barry Ferguson - Personal Development Advice For Christians - “How To Live A Righteous Life In A Sinful World?” - www.barryfergusonauthor.com/about-me

Bible Word - “What Does The Bible Say About Confession And Forgiveness?” - www.biblword.net

Christianity - Candice Lucey - “Why Do We Ask God To Create In Me A Clean Heart?” - www.christianity.com/author/candice-lucey

JVARTS STUDIO - YouTube - Snow Overlay in 4K -    / @alexandervinidiktov  

Photos, By Getty Images - Tetra Images - “Jamaica, Hammock On Beach At Sunset” - www.gettyimages.com/collections/tetra-images

Flint Baptist Church - “Here I Am, Lord” - www.flintbc.net

United Church Of God - “How Can I Know That God Really Cares About Me?” - Photo By Benjamin Davies - www.ucg.org

Three Great Things - Study, Pray, Serve - Father Andrew Ricci - “Daily Mass: Embracing the Cross - Catholic Inspiration” - www.studyprayserve.com/author/paparicci

Thank You!


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