SCP-001 to SCP-050: SCP Series I Comparison [Chapter 1]

Описание к видео SCP-001 to SCP-050: SCP Series I Comparison [Chapter 1]

SCP stands for "Secure, Contain, Protect" and/or "Special Containment Procedures", which are confidential reports that document an SCP object (referred to as anomalies or SCPs) and the means of keeping it contained.

SCP Foundation is responsible for capturing and containing SCPs (various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena) unexplained by mainstream science , while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of global human society.

SCP object is assigned a unique identification number. The SCP object is then assigned an "Object Class" based on the difficulty of containing it.

Known Object Classes:
Safe: SCPs that are understood enough, easily and safely contained.

Euclid: SCPs that are either not understood enough to reliably contain or that behave in an unpredictable manner that require more resources to contain

Keter: SCPs that either difficult and cannot be fully contained or that require extensive, overly complex and elaborate procedures to contain.

Thaumiel: SCPs used to contain or counteract other SCPs or are beneficial to the SCP Foundation.

Explained: SCPs whose anomalous effects can be fully explained or understood by conventional and mainstream science.

Neutralized: SCPs that are either intentionally or accidentally destroyed and are no longer anomalous.

Apollyon: SCPs that cannot be contained and are responsible for an ongoing world-ending cataclysm.

Archon: SCPs that anomalies that could theoretically be contained but are best left uncontained for some reason.

*Note that several hundred SCPs use an unofficial classification system that displays information in addition to the above containment difficulty and classes.

SCP Series I - List of SCPs included in this video:
SCP-001 Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]
SCP-002 The "Living" Room
SCP-003 Biological Motherboard
SCP-004 The 12 Rusty Keys and the Door
SCP-005 Skeleton Key
SCP-006 Fountain of Youth
SCP-007 Abdominal Planet
SCP-008 Zombie Plague
SCP-009 Red Ice
SCP-010 Collars of Control
SCP-011 Sentient Civil War Memorial Statue
SCP-012 A Bad Composition
SCP-013 Blue Lady Cigarettes
SCP-014 The Concrete Man
SCP-015 Pipe Nightmare
SCP-016 Sentient Micro-Organism
SCP-017 Shadow Person
SCP-018 Super Ball
SCP-019 The Monster Pot
SCP-020 Unseen Mold
SCP-021 Skin Wyrm
SCP-022 The Morgue
SCP-023 Black Shuck
SCP-024 Game Show of Death
SCP-025 A Well-Worn Wardrobe
SCP-026 Afterschool Retention
SCP-027 The Vermin God
SCP-028 Knowledge
SCP-029 Daughter of Shadows
SCP-030 The Homunculus
SCP-031 What is Love?
SCP-032 Brothers' Bride
SCP-033 The Missing Number
SCP-034 Obsidian Ritual Knife
SCP-035 Possessive Mask
SCP-036 The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn)
SCP-037 Dwarf Star
SCP-038 The Everything Tree
SCP-039 Monkey Brain
SCP-040 Evolution's Child
SCP-041 Thought-Broadcasting Patient
SCP-042 A Formerly Winged Horse
SCP-043 The Beatle
SCP-044 World War II Era Molecular-Fission Cannon
SCP-045 Atmospheric Converter
SCP-046 "Predatory" Holly Bush
SCP-047 Microbial Mutagen
SCP-048 The Cursed SCP Number
SCP-049 Plague Doctor
SCP-050 To The Cleverest

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