Pocket Variant - PO-20 Arcade + PO-28 Robot

Описание к видео Pocket Variant - PO-20 Arcade + PO-28 Robot

The sun is out, the weather is the best it can be, and I'm home with COVID, because I guess that's the trendy thing to do. Please enjoy this very simple and straightforward jammy-jam, no frills, no bigass prep. Some mistakes in the execution, and triggers that won't trig on the PO-20 towards the end, probably because of the sun overheating the unit. Serves me right for trying to get some vitamin D. As always, please like and subscribe if you feel like it. It does help with the algorithm, not that I intend to make anything out of this channel, but you know... A little ego boost never hurts ♣ Love you.


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