国際空手道連盟・極真会館の奉納演武  Dedication of the International Karate Federation, Kyokushin demonstration

Описание к видео 国際空手道連盟・極真会館の奉納演武  Dedication of the International Karate Federation, Kyokushin demonstration

2015 5/19 日光東照宮400年式年大祭奉祝行事
Nikko Toshogu 400th year anniversary festival ceremonial event
About 30 people form and Kumite loving spirit, showing off a trial split of tile or plate. Height 1 meter or more daylight natural ice stacked in four stages divided tapping splendidly in Chop. Kyokushin, which was founded in 1964 by Mas Oyama Mr., to show off the demonstration in the form of dedication to the shrines and temples is the first time that.
Shokei Matsui Director thanked the "To Ieyasu laid the foundation of samurai society there is a special thoughts. Demonstration dedication that very honor."



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