Forgive Me | Christian Bangla Worship | Alpha Studio Bangladesh

Описание к видео Forgive Me | Christian Bangla Worship | Alpha Studio Bangladesh

Forgive Me
Alpha Upohar Samaddar with William Akash, Pollab Folia and Marcel Sarkar Badhon
Original Music and Lyrics by Alpha Upohar Samaddar
Copyright Alpha Studio Bangladesh 2023

A big thank you the Bappi Sarkar for shooting this video for us!
Check out his YouTube channel @BappiSarkar

English Lyrics:
I keep forgetting your mercy and grace
Busyness has taken over my life before I could do anything about it
I keep forgetting in moments of a million happinesses
but in sorrow I always ask Your help
I keep forgetting who I was
And Who turned me into who I am
I keep forgetting that what I own is all His
Father, forgive me, forgive me
I know I am selfish
I know without you this world is dark, without Your Light
Father, forgive me, forgive me
For chasing this big ambition, I have succumbed to the lies and temptation
And for all this, I totally forgot Who You are
Father, forgive me, forgive me

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