Anubrata Bhalo Acho | অনুব্রত ভালো আছো | Romantic Jukebox 1 |Ritwick Chakraborty|Swastika Mukherjee

Описание к видео Anubrata Bhalo Acho | অনুব্রত ভালো আছো | Romantic Jukebox 1 |Ritwick Chakraborty|Swastika Mukherjee

ECHO BENGALI MOVIE SCENE presents #romanticjukebox from Bengali full movie "#AnubrataBhaloAcho " "#অনুব্রতভালোআছো " was released in the year 2014, Directed by #ParthaSen , starring: #ritwickchakraborty , #swastikamukherjee , #DebolinaDutta etc.
Just watch the movie which will take you at the edge of the seat . . . . DO NOT MISS . . .

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Movie Credits :
Film. : Anubrata Bhalo Acho
Director : Partha Sen
Starring : Ritwick Chakraborty , Swastika Mukherjee , Debolina Dutta
Music Director(s) : Mayook Bhaumik
Release : 2014
All Copyright reserved to ECHO ENTERTAINMENT PVT. LTD.
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