二胎后的生活一地鸡毛 屋子每天乱七八糟 孩子越大越难带 快崩溃

Описание к видео 二胎后的生活一地鸡毛 屋子每天乱七八糟 孩子越大越难带 快崩溃

Life after having a second child is pure chaos. The house is a mess every day, and as the kids grow older, they become harder to manage. I’m on the verge of breaking down! 二胎后的生活简直一地鸡毛,屋子每天都乱七八糟,孩子越大越难带,真是快要崩溃了! #LifeWithTwoKids #ParentingStruggles #MessyHouse #MotherhoodStress #OnTheEdge #二胎生活 #带娃难 #家庭乱糟糟 #母亲压力 #快崩溃了


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