PVEC Worship February 21 2021

Описание к видео PVEC Worship February 21 2021

1st Sunday in Lent
Listening for the Still Small Voice
Scripture: Psalm 46:10 & 1 Kings 19:11-12
Message: Listening to Softly Powdered Silence
Today’s Liturgy is adapted from: Opening Prayer, Rev. Heather A Moody, Prayer of Confession, John van de Laar, Worship Design Studio, Psalm 46:10 from The Work of the People, Prayer of the People, Rev. Abi
Prelude, Give Me Jesus
Postlude, We Are God’s People, Johannes Brahms
Hymn, Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days, CCLI #280458, Public Domain
Song: Baptized In Water, CCLI# 5788305, Words: 1982 Michael Saward - The Jubilate Group (Admin. by Jubilate Hymns Ltd, sub to Hope Publishing for various regions)Music: 1990 Van Ness Press, Inc.

We are grateful for the following people who made this worship service possible:
Diane Van Dongen our Music Director, Andrew Van Dongen, and Pastor Ninabeth Metcalf.


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