Doctor Who: Evil of the Daleks Scene Comparisons (Animation vs Original)

Описание к видео Doctor Who: Evil of the Daleks Scene Comparisons (Animation vs Original)


Let's compare the same clip from episode two of The Evil of the Daleks from two different versions: the original surviving version and the newly released 2021 animation.


The Evil of the Daleks is the mostly-missing ninth and final serial of the fourth season in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which originally aired in seven weekly parts from 20 May to 1 July 1967.

In this serial, the Doctor (Patrick Troughton) and his travelling companion Jamie (Frazer Hines), shortly after losing the TARDIS, are transported to 1866, where the Daleks force the Doctor to help them in their latest plot to implement the human factor into Dalek brains in order to 'humanise' themselves into even deadlier living weapons. This serial marked the debut of Deborah Watling as the Doctor's new companion, Victoria Waterfield. It is also notable for introducing the Dalek Emperor. Only episode two, the episode in which Victoria first appears, is held in the BBC archives; the other six remain missing.

Patrick Troughton – Second Doctor
Frazer Hines – Jamie McCrimmon
Deborah Watling – Victoria Waterfield
John Bailey – Edward Waterfield
Marius Goring – Theodore Maxtible
Brigit Forsyth – Ruth Maxtible
Geoffrey Colville – Perry
Griffith Davies – Kennedy
Alec Ross – Bob Hall
Windsor Davies – Toby
Sonny Caldinez – Kemel
Gary Watson – Arthur Terrall
Jo Rowbottom – Mollie Dawson
Peter Hawkins & Roy Skelton – Dalek Voices
Robert Jewell, Gerald Taylor, John Scott Martin, Murphy Grumbar, Ken Tyllsen – Daleks

The story was released on DVD and Blu-ray on 27 September 2021, with all seven episodes animated in both colour and black-and-white, with the surviving Episode 2 also included.


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