Outdoor Portrait Lighting Setups With MagMod

Описание к видео Outdoor Portrait Lighting Setups With MagMod

You only need a few basic light modifiers to create a wide variety of sophisticated looks when you're shooting outdoor portraits. Follow along with Trevor Dayley as he uses the MagBeam, MagBox, and even natural light to create several wildly different, jaw-dropping portraits of his daughter. In this quince photo shoot, he covers techniques including how to balance softbox lighting with ambient light, how to save time in post by extending the range of your flash, and how to alter color temperature with your camera's white balance and gels.

MagBox 24" Octa Pro Kit: https://magmod.co/HOZkM
MagBeam Kit: https://magmod.co/Qu02T
MagShoe (Best Coldshoe Around): https://magmod.co/zJAF6

Professional Flash Kit: https://magmod.co/XTd55
Starter Flash Kit: https://magmod.co/5OmRI


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