انصاف کا امتحان| Story in Urdu | Bedtime Stories | Animated Morals Story

Описание к видео انصاف کا امتحان| Story in Urdu | Bedtime Stories | Animated Morals Story

The Test of Justice

In a distant village, a kind-hearted king named Umar ruled with fairness. One day, a poor farmer reported to King Umar that his only bull had been stolen. The king ordered his soldiers to find the thief, and soon they brought a suspect to the court. The suspect denied the charges.

King Umar decided to personally investigate. He gathered all the villagers and asked them to swear an oath of innocence before Allah. One man, visibly anxious, was called forward by the king. Trembling, the man confessed that while he did not steal the bull, he knew who did. Encouraged by the king's words about the importance of truth, the man revealed the thief's identity.

The thief was arrested, the bull was returned to the farmer, and justice was served. This story teaches that giving true testimony and delivering justice are noble acts, reminding us of the virtue of speaking the truth before Allah.


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