Seafront winter walk: an Hydrasynth ambient composition

Описание к видео Seafront winter walk: an Hydrasynth ambient composition

#hydrasynth #sounddesign #electronicmusic #ambientmusic #originalmusic #synthetizer #patches #soundpack #gumroad #asmhydrasynth #synthesizer #synthpatchers #preset #soundpack #preset

A short ambient composition on #hydrasynth, intended to be romantic, it became nostalgic and at times melancholy.
The work started from the image of the winter sea, reproduced with a self-generating patch, available for free here:

The other patches are contained in my "Analog Waves" bank, downloadable here:

Patches can be listened to here:    • Analog Waves for ASM HydraSynth vol 1...  

The sea noise patch is based on the combination of the red noise generator and the ring modulation applied to the same generator, with a variable intervention of the two filters and the drive on the first filter. The ring modulator goes in phase with the noise generator, generating a frequency cut on which the alternation of the noise of the incoming sea waves with the returning ones is based.
The randomness of the intervention of the waves and the arrival and return times of the waves is based on two S&H LFOs with maximum "smooth", which works on 2 other LFOs.
These LFOs regulate the volume of the ring modulator which intervenes on the noise generator, the intervention of the two filters and the general volume, with a "saw" wave with modified phase and a certain amount of "smooth".

The tracks were recorded on Logic Pro in audio or recorded live on a midi track, to then be subsequently acquired in audio while I modified the macro parameters of some patches in real time.

No hardware or DAW effects have been added, only the specific effects of the patches used.

Comments and suggestions are welcome!


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