GRE Math Practice: Plugging In Technique for Solving Age Problems. Eleven years ago, Lauren was half

Описание к видео GRE Math Practice: Plugging In Technique for Solving Age Problems. Eleven years ago, Lauren was half

Assalamu Alaikum
Doct Maths brings you an excellent technique for practicing the math section of the GRE! In this video, we will use the "Plugging In" technique to solve an age problem.
Problem Statement: Eleven years ago, Lauren was half as old as Mike will be in 4 years. If Mike is mmm years old now, how old is Lauren now in terms of m?
Video Highlights:
• Easy and effective way to use the Plugging In technique
• Breaking down the problem into simple and logical steps
• Best use of this technique in the GRE math section
By watching this video, you will learn how to solve seemingly complex problems using the Plugging In technique. This video will be very helpful for those preparing for the GRE.
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