We Are Michigan Virtual.

Описание к видео We Are Michigan Virtual.

For over 25 years, Michigan Virtual has supported schools across Michigan and has been looked to for delivering innovations in learning. We have partnered with every independent Michigan school district, 97% of Michigan local education agencies, and tens of thousands of teachers, and we have supported over 500,000 students.

Michigan Virtual Professional Learning Portal offers over 300 online courses and in-person workshops, many of which are free, and most meet professional development requirements to earn state continuing education clock hours.

Michigan Virtual Learning and Research Institute leads the way in using high-quality, research-based educational technology to personalize learning. We bring the best and the brightest in the nation to support the development of student-centered approaches, and we're the first to launch an AI lab specifically supporting K-12 education.

Districts and schools that partner with Michigan Virtual Consulting Services for school redesign strategies and innovations are supported in enabling new and flexible learning models for Michigan students.

For all this and much more, we are Michigan Virtual. Learn more at michiganvirtual.org.


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