125.Dalai Lama&Great Death-conquering MahaMrityunjayaMantra, a verse of the Rigveda

Описание к видео 125.Dalai Lama&Great Death-conquering MahaMrityunjayaMantra, a verse of the Rigveda

I'd like to say something:
Some years ago I got this cd from Tibetan Friends who are very kind and modest people. They gave the cd from ,as they said, the Dalai Lama singing at the sickbed of His friend and I was so happy. Then I WANTED TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY TOO, So i made beautiful images and put it on YouTube. For free. No commercials
Look what happend, it seems there are commercials added that i can not controle... people are angry, some call me liar, soms blame me for wanting 'likes'.. but happily a lot of people are touched by what they see and hear. I hope you are one of them. So if It is the Dalai Lama ?my Friends are honest people and I BELIEVE them🙏🙏🙏 I am a woman of 72 years and honest in my intentions...feel what you feel with this beautiful mantra, be Blessed to hear it🧡 Here His Holiness is singing for his friend Vaclav Havel on another video.    • The Dalai Lama and Entourage Chant fo...   Some people think this is not Dalai Lama but Hein Braat singing. Well if you don't believe His Holiness,,, I can say this: that I heard the cd of Hein Braat ofcourse and he is singing in another tune and His Holiness sings 'om' much longer... you can hear it in the beginning. My friends from Tibet gave me this cd as a prescious gift it is not for sale and Hein Braat is selling his cd's for money, it is okay but very different intention i think. The Dalai Lama sings for his friend who is passing to the next level of his life.. and He accompanies him with this beautiful mantra of death and life. the cd was recorded on a handheld battery powered cassette recorder and not to be commercially sold. PURE LOVE ONLY. I think it is karma if you only look at the name and not what he is singing about. and make seperation.. seperation is karma IT IS ATTACHMENT AND THE MANTRA IS ABOUT DETACHMENT... free from karma ...it is for all the hearts to receive and be gratefull...
i pray for your freedom ..

Great Death-conquering mantra

Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushthivardhanam;
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan Mrityormuksheeya Maamritaat.

Chanting benefits:

Constant repetition of this ancient Sanskrit mantra with faith, sincere heart, dedication and perseverance over a period of time, leads not only to victory over the fear of death but ultimately to victory over death itself or moksha. People who chant this mantra become free from problems like fear of death, diseases, and sudden death.
free, liberate from death, attain moksha (a blissful state of existence of a soul, completely free from the karmic bondage).

– may I never again be parted from the immortality.
this copy of the cd was given to me by Tibetan friends, and the images I made with it, came out of love, to follow the yourney of the soul ....from start of creation to its freedom..
blessings and love to you all may all the souls be free. !


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