Jump Jet (Anirog) - BBC Model B - Real Hardware

Описание к видео Jump Jet (Anirog) - BBC Model B - Real Hardware

This is a bit like a basic version of F/A-18 Interceptor on the Amiga, except you are in a British Harrier Jump Jet. You take off from an aircraft carrier, shoot down enemy planes, then return and land on the carrier.
It's got plenty of keys to control things like your engine power, thrust direction, weapons, radar, flaps, etc., so it's quite difficult to land, while also adjusting for wind, and making sure not to get too many warnings.
I managed to land on the 1st proper level, though I failed on the hardest one (I ran out of fuel before I could try to land again).
It's interesting that it has three different views. You have a top view when you are on or slightly above the carrier, a side view when a bit higher above the carrier, then your cockpit view when normally flying.
You need a joystick for this one, otherwise you can't move.
I liked this one quite a lot.

0:00 Instructions and title screen
2:11 Success on difficulty 2
8:04 A few ways to fail your mission
9:02 Difficulty 5 failure


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