Feeling disconnected to loved ones after a death is a lonely place Motivational Monday Healing

Описание к видео Feeling disconnected to loved ones after a death is a lonely place Motivational Monday Healing

Feeling disconnected to those around you is bad enough, but when it's, the world, it can feel a very lonely, stressful place. It can feel as if you're the only one experiencing that dark place of grief, those feelings of anger and frustration and thinking those guilt ridden thoughts.
In this weeks live session on my private page for women I'm going to show you 2 ways to begin the process of reconnection and it has to begin with you.
You cannot build bridges and close that gap with the world, if you haven't bothered to draw up the blueprints. THAT is projecting responsibility.
Who's coming? Even if you need replay let me know you need replay in comments and I'll send link to my page and event.
Who's joining me?
#disconnection #reconnecttoyourself #reconnect #reconnecttolovedones #grief #dealingwithloneliness #dealingwithstress #feelingalone #griefguru


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