How to unlock the Oxygen in your Brain in minutes?

Описание к видео How to unlock the Oxygen in your Brain in minutes?

Less oxygen is available to the brain because of low carbon dioxide in the body. The symptoms of low carbon dioxide can be severe for some people causing disruptions in their everyday living. Low level of carbon dioxide reduces the blood flow to the brain, affecting brain function such as learning, memory, emotion and peak performance. Low level of carbon dioxide increases the affinity of the hemoglobin for oxygen thus less oxygen is available to the brain cells.
Any controlled breathing that overrides the reflexive breathing of the body will lower the carbon dioxide level.
Fast breathing, deep breathing, panic breathing and prescriptive breathing are part of controlled breathing.
The level of carbon dioxide in the body can be measured with the capnometer. The minimal level of carbon dioxide is 35 mm Hg. The capnometer can quantify if the breathing is effective, and can tell the difference between chest and diaphragmatic breath.
A case study is presented with severe symptoms and the resolution of the symptoms by restoring the carbon dioxide to the 35 mm level.
Check out the live demonstration on how to get Resonance Frequency Breathing in the follow up video.


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