My Dream About The 3 Days of Darkness - A Warning To All Brethren!

Описание к видео My Dream About The 3 Days of Darkness - A Warning To All Brethren!

Our time of being regathered is very near and the devils are sensing this. It is for this reason why they are working fervently to bring about a lot of chaos on the earth, to distract us from focusing on Alahayam. Once we lose our focus on Him, then it means that we are focusing on the devils and their evil devices, whether mechanical or spiritual. We are ever so much closer to being regathered, but the 3 days of darkness must come first. If we are not prepared, then it can mean destruction. I have explained the meaning of the dream as it was told to me, that as long as we remain faithful to Alahayam, He will make a way for us, even if there seems to be no way out. Please heed the warning, we must be about HaAhba's business! Once I realized that this was a warning from Alahayam for His people, I repented of course, as He must be first always in our lives. Shalawam Brethren!


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