Sewing the Helen's Closet Gilbert Top: With Broad Back Adjustment

Описание к видео Sewing the Helen's Closet Gilbert Top: With Broad Back Adjustment

Finally sewing the short sleeved button up of my dreams now that its cold.

Something I discovered while sewing this is that, with woven fabric, you're still suppose to be able to lift your arms forward. I've never been able to and just assumed that that's the way all woven bodices were, but no, turns out I just needed to do a Broad Back / Wide Back adjustment to the pattern, and now it fits so much better.

   • Broad and Narrow Back Adjustment

Nickolas Jones / The Search Within
Victor Lundberg /Top of the Morning
Pastis/ 7 Years to Life
Standing on Your Own / Paper Twins
Lindsey Abraham / Plant a Seed
Nickolas Jones/Tangled Up in Dreams

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