Crysis Remastered Gameplay - Awakening-Mission #6

Описание к видео Crysis Remastered Gameplay - Awakening-Mission #6

The mission begins with Nomad making his way toward the cave complex. After a number of firefights, including some with KPA nanosuit soldiers, VTOLs will drop off US troops to aid Nomad.

Nomad then makes his way closer to the cave complex, battling numerous KPA soldiers along the way. Once inside the cave complex, Nomad is knocked unconscious by KPA nanosuit soldiers and captured by General Ri-Chan Kyong. Nomad awakes in Kyong's military base along with Helena Rosenthal.

Helena and another hostage scientist then open the alien structure, releasing a wave of alien energy that kills the nanosuit guards and recharges Nomad's nanosuit. Nomad and Kyong then face off, with Nomad being the ultimate victor.

After killing Kyong, Nomad escorts Helena Rosenthal to an elevator, which should exit the mine. However, the elevator gets stuck and only Helena can be extracted when the VTOL pilot brings the VTOL very low, deep into the mine cavern. Nomad is then left behind and stays inside of the elevater until it crashes down.


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