Is Guinsoo's Rageblade a good 2nd item on Kalista? (delaying Runaan's to 3rd)

Описание к видео Is Guinsoo's Rageblade a good 2nd item on Kalista? (delaying Runaan's to 3rd)

BotrK into Runaan's seems to be the established Kalista build. But how does it fare against BotrK into Guinsoo's Rageblade? Which one deals more damage at 2 and 3 items?

The shown tests are with E rank 1. But, even with rank 5 E, the Rageblade build does more damage than the standard build. At 3 items: 4426 // 3012 vs. 4132 // 2961 (Main target // bolt targets). And, obviously, at 2 items, Rageblade will do even more than Runaan's due to Rageblade's higher AD and spear count. Plus, because of the double BotrK proc & armor penetration, the Guinsoo's build will be more effective against tanky targets.

Note that the test may not have been conducted with perfect execution and so results may vary slightly. The test duration was for 1 full Hail of Blade cycle (ending before 2nd proc).

Footage from: June 8, 2020

▼ Editor

  / snipinghobo  

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[0:00] Theorycrafting & Testing
[1:50] Solo Queue Game

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[Start] Secret of Mana (Arrange Album) - Into the Thick of it
[End] Mentos Theme

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