What is an Installment Loan? How It Can Help Those in Need Acquire Funds and Build Credit

Описание к видео What is an Installment Loan? How It Can Help Those in Need Acquire Funds and Build Credit

Being short on funds can be stressful, and trying to figure out different lending options can be a little confusing.

There are many types of loans available, and it can be tough to determine the best choice for your financial needs.

One option to consider is an installment loan, which is a short-term, fixed rate loan that is paid back in equal monthly payments over an agreed-upon time period.

If you are in need of funds, an installment loan can help. These convenient short-term, fixed rate loans are paid back in equal monthly payments over an agreed-upon time period.

There are many reasons you may want to consider applying for an installment loan such as:

• You need money quickly for an emergency, travel, PCS move, etc.
• You want to consolidate debt
• You’d like to take steps to build your credit score

View this video to learn how installment loans could benefit you.

Omni Financial specializes in providing installment loans to active duty and career retired soldiers, including members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. For additional information on installment loans, read our blog, "Good reasons for an installment loan." (https://www.omnimilitaryloans.com/blo....

© 2022 Omni Financial. All Rights Reserved. All loans subject to approval. Residency and other restrictions may apply.

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