Robert Adams: What's Stopping You from Becoming a Jnani?

Описание к видео Robert Adams: What's Stopping You from Becoming a Jnani?

This is a reupload of the original after it was pointed out to me that I'd messed up Robert's pronunication of Jnanis in that one. (Thanks Radhika 🙇🏻).

Welcome to this profound discourse by Robert Adams—the revered sage and master of Advaita Vedanta teachings.
In this satsang, Robert Adams delves deep into the heart of non-duality, sharing a transformative message that transcends the boundaries of the mind and reveals the timeless truth: 🌿 You are not the body, the mind, or the ego—you are the Absolute Reality, pure Consciousness, beyond all concepts and limitations. 🕉️

Many of us live believing that we are limited beings, entangled in the dramas of life and caught in the web of the mind’s dualities—happiness and sadness, success and failure. But Robert Adams invites us to awaken from this dream. He emphasizes that our true nature is Parabrahman, the unchanging, all-pervading substratum of existence. ✨

🧘‍♂️ Key Points in this Satsang:

Understanding the Meaning of "I AM": The I AM is not the body or ego, but the pure awareness that witnesses all. 🌟
The Grand Illusion of Duality: See the world as a chalkboard where temporary images are drawn and erased, but you are the permanent background—the unchanging Self. 🧘‍♀️
Overcoming the Mind’s Tricks: Realize that the mind is not your true nature. By detaching from the body-mind identification, you become free from its illusions. 🧠💭
The Role of Karma and Suffering: From the Jnani's perspective, karma and suffering are part of the illusion, a dream-like state that dissolves upon awakening. 🌌
Awakening to Absolute Freedom: When you recognize that "You are that," you transcend all ideas of birth, death, pain, and pleasure. You abide as the silent witness, eternally free. 🔮
💡 This satsang is a call to awaken to your highest truth. As Robert Adams says, "You have always been free; you only need to realize it." 🕉️

00:00 Intro
01:00 It's your choice!
02:55 There is only Absolute Reality
05:15 There is no need to study
06:21 The Mind is not your friend
08:23 Attachment keeps us Earthbound
09:09 Ramana Maharshi and Ramakrishna
11:08 Shift your viewpoint
14:22 Life is like a giant chalkboard

*These are reproductions of Robert's voice using audio tools and AI. If you prefer the originals they are widely available online and on Youtube.)

Thanks for watching and for making this illusory world a better place to dream in. ❤️ 🙏🏻


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