Mars and Rahu Collide in Pisces: Angarak yog [May 2024]

Описание к видео Mars and Rahu Collide in Pisces: Angarak yog [May 2024]

Take a deep dive into the tumultuous Angarak yog, as Mars and Rahu collide in Pisces, changing our destines. A rollercoaster of fiery energies and unexpected changes are expected in this time frame.
Learn to make use of a birth Angarak yog. Understand its energy dynamics using the timeless wisdom of Vedic Jyotish.
Use the astrological predictions to prepare for the future. Make use of these typical Rahu and Mars energies to get ahead in life. Channelise these energies or they will swamp you.
The coming time is turbulent on so many levels, and only those who make mindful choices will be able to navigate through successfully and gain in life.

Read over 700 posts on Vedic astrology at my blog

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Audio, Video and Artwork by Tejaswini.
Apps used are Audacity iMovies and Canva

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The predictions are as per the birth Moon signs for the overall collective.
Your personal life readings depend on the power of your birth horoscope. So for personalised readings do consult your regular astrologer or learn astrology yourself.

By Dr. Tejaswini Arvind Patil


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