Holy Paladin PVP 3v3 ARENA Season 1 (WoW The War Within) [Patch 11.0] ☀️

Описание к видео Holy Paladin PVP 3v3 ARENA Season 1 (WoW The War Within) [Patch 11.0] ☀️

In this video I am playing Holy paladin in rated 3v3 arenas. This is Season 1 of The War Within! Plum is playing his UH Deathknight and Sorgal is playing his enhancement Shaman. These matches are from the second week of the season. These are before the buffs to Holy Paladin that are going out on Tuesday. I think with the buffs coming that paladin will be right back in the mix of strong healers. These were some fun games and we are getting used to trying different strategies with our off meta comp.

If you are new here please be sure to subscribe and drop a like on the video it helps me out a ton! If you have a request on which healer you want to see more of be sure to drop it in the comments!

#holypaladin #holypaladinpvp #thewarwithin


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