What is a Woman? | Joel Ramsey

Описание к видео What is a Woman? | Joel Ramsey

Key insights

🌟 The simple definition of a woman is that she is an adult female, created in the image and likeness of God, capable of bearing children.
📖 "A man who dresses like a woman is not a woman. A man who wants to be a woman is not a woman."
📖 "A woman is a female created in the image and likeness of God and although God created woman from man and woman different to man, women are not less valuable than a man."
👩‍🦰 Men and women in the eyes of God equal in value, worth, and dignity, different in design.
👩‍🦰 God is calling women to be different from the culture of the world, to be set apart and ultimately for his glory.
💬 "All charm is deceptive and Beauty does not last but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised"—God calling women to a higher standard.
🌟 A woman who fears the Lord is greatly to be praised, surpassing even virtuous and capable women in the world.
📖 Proverbs is a wise book that can help change your belief system and guide you to walk in the truth of God's word.

00:00 A woman is an adult female created in the image and likeness of God, capable of bearing children, and the concept of gender and identity is discussed, challenging societal norms and beliefs about what defines a woman.
06:46 It's important to challenge harmful ideas and stand firm in the truth of God's word.
10:42 Social acceptance of deception doesn't make it right.
14:38 Men and women are equal in value and worth in the eyes of God.
19:18 Women are called to be set apart for God's glory, not conforming to the world's standards but striving for excellence in worshiping God with their lives.
22:57 A virtuous woman
30:01 A woman who fears the Lord and prioritizes Jesus is more virtuous than one who possesses charm and beauty.


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